"Melissa has taken charge of many content projects. Most recently, she's been helping find ways to improve our blog experience, facilitating discussions with UX designers about ways to redesign article templates and category pages. She's also finding ways to integrate this content into other experiences so shoppers stay engaged. Melissa plays a vital role in helping with Sears rebranding, all while managing a team of writers in multiple disciplines. The fact that she's not afraid to get her hands dirty, always pushing for positive changes and working with multiple teams and stakeholders shows that she's a true star. Thank you Melissa!"

— Matt, copy manager (direct report)

“Melissa was a great resource for our agency. Consistent, reliable, and always delivering quality work with a smile. She’s a great team player who isn’t shy about engaging team members throughout the course of a project, and was adept at juggling multiple assignments - typically within a single day. She was engaged, proactive, and thoughtful in her approach to providing smart ideas and delivering value on every project she touched.”

— Terry, creative director (my manager)

”Melissa has been the glue connecting multiple site touch points in several executive mandates. Her positive attitude and holistic focus have earned trust and respect among her colleagues.”

— John, project director

”Melissa always makes me laugh, sometimes even when she doesn’t mean to. I like that.”

— Cathy, best friend

“When the new mobile cart/checkout system prompted a complete overhaul of the fulfillment/installation experience, Melissa worked tirelessly to understand the business and technical requirements, asked hard-hitting questions, provided excellent suggestions for future enhancements, and recommend easy-to-understand copy for the final experience. When the new checkout system launches, any success it has is at least partially due to her.”

— Jayne, mobile app UXA

"Melissa works in concert at the head of an effective copy team, delivering on multiple work-streams under challenging conditions. She's always leveling-up her understanding of my needs, and able to meet and exceed my expectations with diligence and a commitment to meeting the user where they're at."

— Brian, user experience manager (teammate)


Sears Holdings IMX
Rock Star Award Winner  
Super Star Award Winner
2018 - Q2, Q4
2017 - Q1, Q2, Q4
2016 - Q1, Q4
2015 - Q1, Q2, Q4
2014 - Q1, Q3, Q4


I have this note on my fridge. Awards are always nice - but this is the kind of thing that makes me most proud.


"Melissa's knowledge of Sears brand research and initiatives, her ability to connect with the client and goal, and her passion for storytelling, has successfully led our group to win a pitch that will guide the Wish Book and Holiday content into an exciting new direction of storytelling. She has helped our group earn the trust of our marketing partners in an effort to align and collaborate on elevated content. Melissa does her homework. She has been an amazing team player and an extraordinary leader. She's truly a rock star."

— Michelle, ACD design (teammate)

“First, Melissa writes for the user, which means she can deliver messaging that helps us sell goods and services on our website and mobile platforms. Secondly, she embeds herself within the core functionality and development teams. Creating a headline and offer that works is one thing, making a machine talk to a human is another. Melissa works hard to accomplish this every week, and is our resident expert on starting the conversation with our shoppers.” 

— Bob, senior director, creative design (senior to me)